
False tinder is another find of recent years, along with birch sponge and bordered tinder. Laboratory studies by European specialists have shown its high antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity, anti-cancer effect and ability to comprehensively protect the liver, including the prevention of cirrhosis. Works great in combination with drugs "Oncology: support for chemotherapy and remission", "Liver protection" and "Detox".

Larch sponge, or agaric, is one of the oldest medicinal mushrooms. The best purpose of the larch sponge according to modern research should be considered its immunomodulatory activity and normalization of metabolism. The mushroom has passed clinical trials.

Common tinder is one of the oldest medicinal mushrooms, which has long been used in the medicine of the peoples of Northern Eurasia. Laboratory studies in recent years have confirmed its anti-cancer, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antibacterial and antiviral activity. The mushroom has shown a high ability to effectively reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol. Works great in combination with drugs "Oncology: prevention", "Immunity support" and "Anticholesterol".