
All of us are not getting younger. Someday it will be time for our children to take care of us. In the meantime, we have the opportunity to take care of our parents. The collection "comfortable old age" is designed for daily intake and is designed in such a way as to maximally support all body functions in old age. Cardiovascular diseases, problems with brain activity and gastrointestinal tract, reduced immunity, deterioration of joints and muscles — all this will gently and carefully lead to a comfortable level of our unique multicomponent author's collection, including mushrooms, lichens, plants and even the membrane of a chicken egg.

The effect of autumn honeydew, especially growing on birch trees, is in many ways similar to the action of chaga (therefore, for our pharmacy honeydew is collected only from birch trees and contains betulin and its derivatives). Like chaga, the fungus exhibits antioxidant properties, is an immunomodulator, is useful for respiratory diseases, hypertension and gastrointestinal diseases, is a carcinostatic and, in general, a general universal tonic. Like chaga, autumn honeydew contains melanins that help fight Alzheimer's disease. But, unlike chaga, honeydew is also a powerful component of sports nutrition. It increases the oxygen saturation of the blood and increases its flow to the heart and brain. Our autumn honey mushrooms have passed all the stages of preparation necessary to obtain the maximum health effect. Works great in combination with drugs "Sports and fitness", "Healthy heart" and "Comfortable old age".

A powerful cocktail of polysaccharides, triterpenoids, melanins and other active substances that, with constant intake, are almost guaranteed to protect you from cancer at the cellular level.


Powerful energy and oxygen support before competitions or training. It is difficult to imagine a more effective legal doping