Weight loss

Reishi (Ganoderma lingzhi G. sichuanense) is a universal immunomodulator, oncoprotector and antioxidant with a history of use of several thousand years. In China, it is called the “mushroom of immortality” for its ability to increase the body’s resistance to all pathogenic environmental factors. Reishi has proven hepatoprotective and antiandrogenic properties. It can also be used as a natural anti-anxiety remedy during periods of increased stress and used as a muscle relaxant and antispasmodic.
We are currently changing the packaging design. The product may arrive in old packaging
The mushrooms and plants included in the collection ensure the activation of metabolic processes, which leads to a comfortable weight loss to optimal weight in just a few months. They reduce your appetite, shift your eating interests toward normal ones, and help you maintain your new weight. In parallel with the normalization of weight, toxins and metabolic products are removed, which will give you a comfortable state of health throughout the entire time of use of the collection.
We are currently changing the packaging design. The product may arrive in old packaging